{band images & infos}
Copyright © Midi:Nette
{text, layout, html}
Copyright © Lucifer Malilith
All band images were scanned and edited by me.  If you want to use some text or images from this site please request that through e-mail first and link back to this site.

Moi dix Mois galleries

Band Images...

Here you can find other scans of band's photos: tour pamphlets, flyer/teasers for CD and DVD releases and concerts advertisements; but also postcards, and concerts tickets. The 'OTHERS' section contains some images from unknown sources.

Tour Pamphlet/Postcards     ~    Tickets     ~    OTHERS


Here are flyers for various events: CD and DVD releases, concerts, etc. Some comes from magazines, I received the other ones with the CDs.

  Dis inferno Flyer Dialogue Symphonie first single realease + Tour 2002 schedule Dix infernal advertisement + Tour 2002 "forbidden" Final Dix infernal advertisement + Tour 2003 "Dix infernal" start-Akasaka BLITZ Dix infernal NOW ON SALE + Tour 2003 "Dix infernal" start-Akasaka BLITZ Scars of Sabbath live DVD realease + new event: Dis inferno vol.II

Dis inferno (Moi dix Mois first live, opening by Schwarz Stein)  ~  Dis inferno (da UV vol.80)  Dialogue Symphonie/Tour 2002 "forbidden" (da FOOL'S MATE 255)  ~  Dix infernal/forbidden Tour Final  ~  Dix infernal/Akasaka Blitz (Tour 2003 "Dix infernal") (da FOOL'S MATE 258)  ~  Dix infernal NOW ON SALE/Akasaka Blitz (da FOOL'S MATE 259)  ~  Scars of Sabbath DVD/Dis inferno vol. II

Shadows Temple second single Release Nocturnal Opera second album Release Mana invites you to Mon†amour International Pageant third single Release Europe Tour 2005 "Invite to Immorality" - second gig LIVE in Paris Europe Tour 2005 "Invite to Immorality" program/schedule Invite to Immorality second live DVD Release|

Shadows Temple  ~  Nocturnal Opera  ~  Invite to Mon†amour International  Pageant  ~  Tour 2005 "Invite to Immorality" live in Paris  ~  Europe Tour 2005 Schedule Program  ~  Invite to Immorality DVD


 The Europe Tour Schedule Program was scanned and provided by +Pier+



Some images were scanned by me, before take any of them for your site please ask me through e-mail first, and link back to my site: http://moidixmois.altervista.org.

For some images thanks to -scape-